Sunday 29 July 2012


Yesterday I did something that I've never done before.  I went to Potfest 2012.  The name of this event may sound a little dodgy, but I assure you it was not in any way suspect.  Robert met a lady whose partner is a potter and she told him about this event that is held each year where potters from all over the country and abroad come to exhibit and sell their creations, so we decided to go and have a look.

I dressed in my best bohemian outfit to try and fit in with all the creative types and we set off for Penrith.  I love the drive up to Penrith because you go past some wonderful countryside and the best service station in the UK at Tebay with its wonderful farm shop.  My enthusiasm was dampened however as on the journey it kept raining, and I didn't have a coat with me.  Robert assured me that everything was in marquees so it would be alright even if it rained for the rest of the day.

The event is held in the grounds of a country house just above Penrith in Cumbria which was a lovely setting. There were four main marquees and then a few smaller tents, all filled with potters selling their goods.  There was a diverse range of styles.  Some were very traditional and some were quite bizarre, and there was even one piece that was very rude, but I won't talk about that.

Some of the less traditional work

I am so glad I had a brolly as the weather just couldn't make up its mind.  One minute it was lovely and warm with blue skies and then not long after there would be a massive downpour.  Most people were dressed in fleeces and sensible cold weather clothes, and my summery dress was a little chilly.  The ground was getting a rather muddy with all the rain and visitors, but at least I had sensible shoes on, unlike a couple of middle aged ladies I overheard who were wishing they hadn't worn their sandals.

Each year the potters are invited to enter a competition and the visitors get to vote on their favourite piece.  The theme for this year's competition was journeys and pilgramages.  Here is a photo of the piece that Robert and I voted for to win.

Pilgrim's Progress

We had some lunch in the tea rooms of the house; a lovely fresh made tuna salad roll and a hot chocolate, and then went for a walk round the gardens.  The smell of roses in the walled garden was wonderful, and I wished that photos could have smelly vision so that I could share it with you.

The walled garden

Loved these steps covered in moss and wild flowers

Me and him with the house in the background

I don't know this dog and I don't know these people, I just thought he was beautiful

It was a great day and I even bought myself a little something to add to my collection.  On the way home we stopped in at the previously mentioned service station and bought ourselves a few goodies to eat in the evening, which went down very nicely, thank you.

My little present to myself