Katy went on a visit to France with school in March. Although technically this was before my last post so shouldn't really be counted in my catch up, I decided it ought to get a mention. She tried her hand at archery, and informs me that she really wasn't very good at it but did enjoy feeling like Katniss Everdeen for a little while.
She also visited Mont Saint-Michel which looks like a pretty cool place and is allegedly the inspiration for Diagon Alley. One of these photos is a bit blurry but I included it so you can see why it looks like something out of Harry Potter.
Coincidentally it was in the news today as it was totally cut off from the mainland by an extreme high tide for the first time since 1879.
The shop is doing well. Can't believe it's really only seventeen weeks since we opened, it feels like we've been doing it forever sometimes. Robert is loving it and is getting to know his regulars and becoming involved in Clitheroe life. We decided early on that we would allow dogs in the shop and now it has become a bit of a thing. We have an album on our Facebook page of all the dogs that pop in with their humans. There are some cuties in it.
A young girl left her teddy in the shop the other week, and he became a feature on Facebook for a few days until she came back to claim him. Robert took photos of it around the shop and added captions to them.
Having been in a sweetshop for over 24 hours Teddy was worrying about his weight, but as you can see he's still a perfectly healthy 27 grams |
Katy and the Alices |
Of course, when in Windermere you have to take a trip on the lake and feed the swans.
Next in chronological order was mum's 93rd birthday. What do you get a nearly blind, diabetic, dementia suffering lady who doesn't even really know it's her birthday? Why a cake of course. Actually Kirsty provided the cake. I love this photo. She didn't manage to blow the candles out on her own because she just couldn't get close enough to the cake
Prom prep |
It was a bit of a magical mystery tour for them, as they had to go to school and get on a coach all together, and they weren't told where they were going. Personally I think this was a good move on the part of the school as then the kids couldn't rock up to the event having already perhaps indulged in a little naughtiness for 16 year olds. Of course, this did mean they didn't get the chance to really make an entrance with their arrival at the prom, although some of the parents did drop their kids off in what they considered to be a suitable fashion. There were several parents doing fake coughs and mumbling such words as "pratt" when one young man got dropped off by his dad in a Lamborghini. Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with expensive cars, but when you're revving your engine and acting like a jerk, then people are going to laugh at you. Anyway, Katy had a great night at The Pines Hotel in Clayton le Wood near Chorley, and the whole meal was gluten free, so she didn't need a special dinner because she's special needs :).
So that brings us pretty much up to date, apart from the latest news that Bekah is going to be a mummy. Which I suppose means that I'm going to be a grandma. Hmm, not sure I like that title. However, I am very excited about the baby. She had her twelve week scan today and was given a due date of 4th February, which is my dad's birthday. It would be nice if it arrived on time. Since we found out, I've said I think it's going to be a boy. Robert thinks it will be a girl, so we'll see whose intuition was working properly next year.