Saturday 27 February 2016

My 500 Words

I've joined a group on Facebook called My 500 Words.  The point of the group is to encourage anyone who is trying to write.  They are supportive, encouraging and all together just a nice bunch of people.  The point of the group, apart from just being there to help each other, is to challenge you to write at least 500 words every day.  Today is my day three, and here is what I wrote.

Day 3
So, here we are, day three.  Now what? I haven’t had any more thoughts about my book today.  I’ve been rather busy doing normal stuff.  I got up quite early for a Saturday morning because I had a plan and a purpose.  Hubby and I had agreed that today we would reorganise the kitchen because it just wasn’t working the way it was.  All was fine for the three of us until Rebekah, Adam and Charlie moved in on a semi-permanent basis.  The spent a few months travelling in Europe last year, but decided that they needed to be nearer to home as they felt a little isolated with Charlie and were starting to get concerned about what would happen if he got sick. As they’d given up their rented accommodation in spring last year, they needed somewhere to stay and our house was their choice.

Things are working fine, and we’ve accommodated enough of their personal belongings to make them feel at home, but we hadn’t really gottten round to making the kitchen more ergonomic. We’d had enough space for all our bits and bobs so it didn’t really matter if there was wasted room in the cupboards, but it was beginning to feel like the task of getting out dishes or pans or plastic storage containers, and then putting them tidily away, was quite onerous. 

Luckily we have a dishwasher to deal with all the extra dirty plates and pans, but emptying it and finding spaces to put things back was such a chore.  You had to move three pans just to put away the one you’d used, or lift up four dishes so that the big one fitted nicely with the all the smaller ones inside it.  Their food was spread out in three different areas, so they had to open several cupboards just get out the basics for the meal they were preparing.  Charlie’s sippy cups and non-slip bowls were never stacked neatly because they had to fit in between the group up’s crockery.  We were supposed to tackle these issues before Christmas, but we got a bit caught up with decorating three bedrooms, and ran out of time before the jolly man in the red and white suit turned up.  New year brought a nasty virus down on me which took a few weeks to recover from, and by that time we were back into the old routine and thoughts of sorting out the kitchen had all but disappeared.

Now, I don’t know about you, but plastic tubs cause stress in our house.  They are all thrown into a large drawer and you can hardly ever seem to find just the right tub needed, and if you do find the right tub, you can’t find the corresponding lid.  This was the catalyst for deciding to tackle the kitchen.  I was looking for a lid to fit onto a small round tub so that I could take a couple of brownies to work to go along with my lunch on Friday, but the lid eluded me. Hubby was helping me look and yet again expressed his exasperation at the state of the jumble of tubs and lids and how if it was up to him he’d throw them all out and start again.  His plan would be to number all containers and lids so that you could keep track of them.  Container 1 would go with lid 1 and so on. Then he suggested that we make that our Saturday goal.  Reorganise the kitchen to make it more user friendly, and do something about the plastic situation, and for once we have actually stuck to our plan and done it.  Kitchen has been overhauled and new containers have been purchased. Now if I could just have a new kitchen to go along with it all, that would be just grand.

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