Monday 19 November 2012

Birthday Cake for Breakfast

It's becoming quite a tradition in our house to have birthday cake for breakfast due to busy schedules and fleeting visits from daughters these days.  If we didn't have it for breakfast on someone's birthday, we wouldn't have it at all, and apparently my daughters think this would not be acceptable.  Today is Kirsty's birthday, and what a good way to start a Monday morning.

Kirsty came home for a visit yesterday afternoon and spent the night so she could be at home on her birthday morning.  I'd like to think that she wanted to start her birthday with her family, but I have a suspicion that it was all about the presents really.

 As it's a Monday we all had to get up fairly early for the official business of the day in order to make sure no one was late for work/school.  Kirsty needed to get a lift back to Preston with Robert as she'd raided the loft for a few of her belongings, including her Christmas tree and decorations.  We told her she'd have to get up first so that we would all have time to get in the bathroom (yes, we are poor and only have one).  She didn't like the sound of that and announced that she would not be bathing and would just put her face on.  Well, she is a student these days, so I suppose it's only to be expected.  Bit skanky though, right?

The great unwashed on her birthday

One of the presents was at Kirsty's request.  Her favourite perfume is Madame by Jean Paul Gaultier. We thought we were in luck as everywhere we saw it, it was on sale, so we knew we could afford to get her some.  However, we found out that the reason it was on sale was because they had discontinued it.  This did not go down well with Kirsty.

Making herself smell better

 So after the presents it's always time for cake.  It's quite a long walk from our kitchen to our living room when carrying a cake with 28 lit candles and trying to make sure they don't go out.  We were concentrating so much we forgot to sing Happy Birthday.  Katy had to remind us.  It took Kirsty a few attempts to blow them all out.  Some of them were very tenacious (if a candle can be tenacious).

Tenacious candles
Time for a nice slice of cake for breakfast before rushing off to work.  Not my own handiwork I'm afraid, but I don't think it mattered.  Kirsty took the rest back to Preston with her.  Best to keep it out of my hands, or rather, belly.


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