Sunday 30 December 2012

So, how did I do?

At the beginning of this year I wrote on my blog about trying to lose weight, and as it's nearly the end of the year I thought it was time to report on my endeavours.

This year I signed up for a free twelve week healthy eating and exercise course at my local leisure centre, which helped me to get going.  Once the course had finished I rejoined the gym and I'm happy to report that until the last few weeks, I have been a regular visitor there.

After the course ended I attempted to go it alone as I'd had a good start.  However, as usual, I found I needed more than my own internal motivation and joined (again) a weekly slimming club as I need that weigh in at the meeting to keep me on track.  It's that thought of being accountable to someone who is going to write my weight on a tangible record that helps me to keep a bit more focussed.

I haven't lost a lot of weight, but I am lighter than I was at the beginning of the year, and I feel that my muscles are remembering what they are there for.  Even my arms have toned a little.  I am certainly fitter than I was at the beginning of the year and will be back at the gym in January.

Did I do as well as I'd hoped?  No, I haven't.  Am I finishing the year in a better place than I was at the beginning?  Yes I am.  Am I taking that as a win?  You betcha I am.

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