Tuesday 1 April 2014

Weekend at Grandma's

As Bekah is in her third year at university, and as it is not too far off the end of the Academic year, I suggested that perhaps we could have Charlie for a weekend so that she could get some work done.  The weekend I suggested turned out to be the same weekend as their anniversary, so it was very convenient timing.  

This meant we got to have Charlie from Friday until Monday, with a little visit from his mummy and daddy on the Saturday night, as three nights away from him was more than Bekah could handle.  Now I have to admit that I was excited and nervous in equal parts.  As gorgeous and amazing as he is, I haven't looked after a baby for many years and was worried that I had lost my knack.

It was also good timing as I had just been paid and found myself buying baby equipment that could stay at grandma's house so that Bekah didn't have to bring everything but the kitchen sink every time they visit, although now I have to find somewhere to keep it all.

So Charlie arrived just after tea on Friday.  Robert had to go out to choir practice which meant he was all mine.  Well, mine and Katy's, but mostly mine.  He whinged a bit and then fell asleep until his late night feed.  He also got to meet his great aunt Sarah and is cousin Darcey.  I still can't remember how the second cousin/cousin once removed thing works (sorry Alex), so we'll just say that Darcey is is cousin.

Now here was the tricky bit.  Where to sleep him and who was going to be on night feed duty?  "We" decided that the best thing would be for him to sleep in his pram downstairs with Robert as I had to get up early for an appointment.  I trotted off to bed and left Grandbob to it.

My alarm went off at 7:15 and a few minutes later Grandbob came upstairs and fell into bed while announcing that he hadn't slept all night.  Now, I hadn't heard a thing so was a bit concerned at the terrible night Robert had had with Charlie.  It turns out that Charlie slept just fine, but Robert had forgotten what it was like to sleep next to a new baby, and be constantly listening to them breathe, and then checking that they are still actually breathing when they go really quiet.

Auntie Katy got to do her auntie duty while Robert slept and I went to my appointment.  I came back having stopped off to buy yet more stuff for Charlie, including a bath and a chair.  So after a bath and a bottle, and it being a lovely day, we decided to walk into town as Robert was still fast asleep.

I like my new chair
Charlie was just wonderful the whole time we were out.  Katy on the other hand has decided she needs some sort of sign or badge or writing on her hoodie proclaiming that she is not the mummy, when she's out with Charlie.  Several people assumed this to be the case, and one lady was asking her what she had and what she called him.

In pensive mood.  Either that, or planning on how to take over the world.

He came to church with us on Sunday and slept through the whole thing, which let's face it is probably the best thing to do at church.  One young married man wasn't happy with us however, as seeing Charlie made his wife a bit broody again.

So what have I learnt from this weekend?  I have learnt that Charlie is a very good baby whose routine is pretty much eat, play and smile and be gorgeous, then sleep after a little bit of grumpiness, then start the cycle all over again.  I have learnt that I haven't lost my knack, and that Robert is still better at going without sleep than I am.  Most of all I have learnt that being a grandma is a whole different ball game to being a mummy as you are so much more chilled out about the whole thing, and can put everything on hold while you just enjoy being with your grandchild.  It doesn't matter for a few days if the housework isn't done or if full family meals aren't cooked. Nothing is as important, for whatever time you have, as being with your grandchild.

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