Sunday 10 August 2014

Graduation Day

I couldn't be more proud of daughter number three a.k.a. Rebekah.  She has achieved a lot in her time at university.  She's found her love of literature and writing.  She got herself a decent partner to share her life with.  She gave me the most adorable grandson, and to top it all off she got herself a first class degree in English with Drama.

I wish I could take credit for instilling the virtues of hard work and never giving up into her, but I think this might be down to Adam and Charlie, and the way they helped her to focus and knuckle down when she needed to.

Graduation day was hot.  Charlie, bless his little cotton socks, was very well behaved.  He didn't come into the graduation ceremony itself.  He stayed outside with wonderful auntie Katy.  We had an official family photograph taken on the day, but I haven't seen it yet. Really looking forward to
that being ready.

We had good seats, near all the graduates.  The graduation was filmed, and before it began the cameras were scanning the audience, focussing in on individuals, who mostly got into the spirit of things and played up when their faces appeared on the big screens at the front of the hall.  Rebekah looked gorgeous, and had the biggest grin on her face as she walked across the stage to shake hands with the Vice Chancellor.

Walking back to her seat

I'm so proud of this girl and what she's achieved, and she's not stopping there.  Next on the agenda is an M.A., and once that's done, she'll be looking at a PhD.  What a girl.


The new family

1 comment:

  1. Big congrats to Rebekah. Wish I'd gone on to do an MA, student loans were not that common back then and the debt load was pretty scary! Plus the advice from my tutor to skip the MA and go straight for a PhD... no thanks!!! Anyway, a first is a pretty big deal all by itself! Glad you all had a good day celebrating Rebekah's!
