Friday 30 December 2011

Boxing Day

You can't really get stuck in to the Christmas food until boxing day because let's face it, after Christmas dinner you're pretty much done for the day, so boxing day is when all the snacks and chocolate comes out.  To help us out with this, Jim, Liz, Matthew and Adam came round.  As usual there was too much food and we really didn't make much of a dent in it.  We seemed to put as much back in the fridge as we ate.  Still, at least it fed us for a few more days.

After we'd decided we couldn't eat any more, it was time to have a proper look at some of the games we had been given as Christmas presents.  One of them was called Backward Thinking.  A typical question in this game was "Today I went to the shops for some milk, then I went to the gym for an hour.  After that I visited the opticians then headed to my dentist's appointment.  Sitting in the dentist's chair I realised the first letter of all the places I'd visited spelled out one of my favourite things in reverse.  What is it?"  You had 30 seconds to answer each question.  You got 3 points for every correct answer and the first person to reach 30 points was the winner.  I won!  Didn't get a single question wrong the whole game.  Well done me.

Another game we were given was Guinness World Records Party Challenges.  This game gave you the rules to different world records that you could do at home.  We found a few we could do with what we had in the house.  One of them was the world record for keeping a grape suspended in the air by blowing it.  The world record is 4.81 seconds.  It's surprisingly hard, and most of our attempts never even left our lips.

I think there is actually a space between grape and lips 


Let's all have a go
We also attempted the world record for most socks sorted in one minute and most accurate playing card throws.  I equalled the world record for the socks one but there was a theory that because they were my socks I was at an advantage.  Robert beat the world record for most accurate playing card throwing.  We had the equipment for the most eggs thrown and caught in one minute by a team of two, but no one was willing to go outside and give it a go.  The eggs had to be raw so I wouldn't let them do it in the house.

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