Thursday 16 February 2012

The First Boo Boo

I have two daughters who are at university at the moment.  When Rebekah started at Manchester Met. she decided, during Freshers Week, to join the ladies rugby team.  I had mixed feelings about this as although I could see the fitness and social benefits of playing rugby, I was quite scared for her pretty face.   I was even more scared when after her first match she told me she got body slammed and heard all her bones crack as she went down.  Rebekah plays second row forward which requires her to wear a helmet to protect her head during the scrums.  However, I am proud that her team have won every single match they have played so far, by very large margins.  In fact you could say they slaughter any opposition.

One of the matches they played was against UCLAN where Kirsty is studying, and where this photograph was taken.

Bekah in her rugby gear
Kirsty went along to watch, and got so caught up in it all that she also decided to join her university's rugby team.  This decision did not last long however as Kirsty has problems with her spleen and with rugby being such a high contact sport it was decided that maybe this was not the best idea. When she first started at university she did think about joining the hockey team but hadn't got round to doing anything about it.  After seeing Bekah and deciding against rugby, she renewed her enthusiasm for hockey and tried out for the team.

She got into the second team and had her very first match yesterday.  I had been out during the day so hadn't been online at all, but when I checked Facebook in the evening I saw a post from Kirsty that said "I've broken it".  This of course concerned me so I made contact with her and found out that during the match she had gone to tackle a girl on the other team, and at the same time another player came to tackle her.  Kirsty got crushed between the two of them, got her legs caught up in the hockey sticks and hit the deck.  She banged her head and wasn't feeling good so she she was taken off the pitch.

While she was sitting on the sidelines she noticed that her hand was hurting rather a lot and then it started to swell up quite badly.  There was a physio person around who took a look at it for her and sent her packing off to hospital to get it checked out.  When I spoke to her she was still at the hospital waiting to have an x-ray.

I got an update a few hours later to let me know that she had broken a bone on the right side of her middle knuckle on her right hand.  The doctor said that it was a weird break and had no idea how she had managed to do it.

Kirsty's broken finger
Kirsty is doing a foundation course in art and design and is right handed, so this is going to be a bit of a problem for her.  She has a life drawing class this morning, which will be impossible and she has a project due in on Friday that she was supposed to be doing a photo shoot for today, which is also not going to happen.  Her tutor will hopefully give her an extension on this.

Kirsty is weirdly proud of her injury as she is the first of my daughters to break a bone.  If I was a betting person I would have put money on it being Bekah playing rugby, but it turns out that hockey has proved more dangerous.

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