Saturday 4 February 2012

Rebekah's 21st Birthday part two

With Rebekah's birthday being midweek, it wasn't practical to get all the family together, so we arranged a family meal for tonight.  Kim came up from London (minus Greg), and Kirsty and Bekah came home from university.  The choosing of the restaurant had taken place some weeks ago and had been quite a task.  We knew some nice places to eat but we had to take into account the fact that we might have to pick Kirsty up from Preston, Kim from the train station in Manchester and also that they wanted to got out in town after the meal with their friends to carry on the celebrations.  It also had to be somewhere that could easily cater for Katy's coeliacs disease and Kim's dietary requirements so that she wouldn't be ill.   None of the restaurants we knew would fit all these criteria, so we had to do some research and finally settled on The Eagle at Barrow. Turned out to be a good choice.

All was going well until it started snowing.  Dressed up and looking wonderful, we opened the front door and it was pretty nasty outside.  Robert was a gentlemen and decided to bring the car round to the front door.  He stepped out and nearly slid all the way down the path. His nice shoes were not at all suitable for walking in snow and slush.  He made it to his car and drove round to the front of the house.  We were all being girlies and were scared to leave the safety of the porch.  Robert made it back up the path and brought us his big golf umbrella, and then went back to bring my car round to the front door as well (we couldn't all fit in one car).  Kirsty stepped out and immediately slipped in her high heals.  Didn't fall but was then stuck and scared to move any further.  Katy was made to help her get to the end of the path as she seemed to be the only one who was able to walk in the snow without slipping all over the place.

Robert had rung the restaurant a little earlier to check if it was snowing there and was assured it was just raining, so we set off.  About a mile down the road it became apparent that between Robert ringing and us setting off it had started to snow even more.  The roads were getting worse and we started to talk about the possibility of getting snowed in if we made it to the restaurant.  We took it nice and slowly and made it there safe and sound.

The restaurant was lovely, and the bar staff were checking out the girls.  Is it wrong that when this happens it makes me proud?  We played guess the nationality with one of the waiters. He was tall, had long hair and a deep voice and we could not work out where is accent was from, but he definitely wasn't English.  We never did find out.

The food was very nice and thanks to Greg not coming (we had budgeted for 7), Rebekah and Kim got to order pretty much the most expensive steak on the menu.  It was one of these places that serves smaller portions, and I have finally decided that this is a good thing because I managed to eat three courses instead of being full after two, and didn't feel like I was waddling out when I left.

This was my pudding.  Chocolate orange fondant with coconut ice cream.  It was very nice indeed.

I don't think I have managed to have a photo taken of myself with all of my girls, so I took the opportunity to put this right tonight.

Katy, Rebekah, me, Kim and Kirsty
Because the girls were planning to go out again after we got home, they had been getting updates all evening from their friends who were keeping them informed of how hard it was snowing and whether the taxis were running or not, so we were a bit apprehensive when we got up to leave as we weren't quite sure what it was going to be like outside.  Turns out it had stopped snowing and the roads had cleared a little, so all was well.  Although Robert did slide all the way from the car to the front door after he parked.

All in all a lovely night and definitely a restaurant I would go to again.

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