Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentines Day

Today is the day to celebrate love.  I'm very fortunate to be married to a man who likes to be romantic, so I got to go to lunch with my fella.  Katy was at home baking cookies for Youth tonight and after the second text telling us she was missing some important ingredient or piece of equipment, we sent her a message to leave us alone unless it was an absolute emergency.  She duly obliged, but we then got interrupted by more texts and a phone call from other people.  I think Robert got the hint from the look on my face and put his phone on silent for the rest of the meal.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen with Katy making a mess and hopefully some yummy cookies with a background of Dizzy Rascal, Billy Joel, Glee,  and Adam Lambert.  Katy was a bit surprised by the mixture of music I had on my phone.

Some of the mess we made
The sort of cookies we decided to make were the kind where you made a dough and then let it settle in the fridge for a while.  I was planning on cutting mine into heart shapes but my first batch seemed very crumbly so they had to stay in boring rounds shapes.  I thought I'd try and decorate them to look at bit more valentiney.

As you can see, I'm not very practiced at this
Katy baked her cookies and after they had cooled she tested one, screwed up her face and threw them in the bin.  It's a bit tricky when you're making gluten free baking because they don't always turn out how you expect.  However, one of the things she had asked us for while we were out was a heart shaped cookie cutter (we thought we had one but it seems we didn't), so when we went to get one we also bought her two heart shaped silicone baking molds, and after the cookies turned out wrong she went for a cake recipe that she'd had success with last week.

The mixture
My second dough attempt was a little better so I went for heart shapes and finished them off with some chocolate spread inside and raspberry buttons on top.

Katy's cake was looking quite good after baking.

She was impatient to decorate it and kept testing it every few minutes to check if it was cool enough.

The finished product

All in all it was quite an industrious afternoon.  I hope the young women enjoy them.

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